
Divine Blessings




Divine Blessings



Divine Blessings

Enlightenment Coaching

Divine Blessings purpose is to lead people to their innate wisdom; to guide them to forge a deep connection between their Inner Self and our collective Higher Self to allow people to fully inhabit and express their innate blissful oneness, free to express their unique creativity, with the energy to create the joy, peace and prosperity that they dream of. 


From Stress to Bliss

From Stress to Bliss

From Stress to Bliss

Divine Blessings methodology is rooted in the idea that the health and integrity of the chakras, the energy centers that lie in the innermost part of your being, are the basis of a healthy and balanced life in every aspect - physically, spiritually and emotionally. During your work with Divine Blessings, your chakras will be tested, read, cleared and balanced. This is necessary to your health. Throughout our lives, we oftentimes unknowingly pick up unwanted fear based thoughts and feelings. When we clear away these negative energy patterns,
our natural spiritual power re-awakens. 

Cultivation of healthy, clear and dynamic chakras cultivates healthy, clear and dynamic beings. More enlightened beings.

This is not a "sit on a mountain and meditate for the rest of your life" kind of enlightenment. Divine Blessings philosophy is that our natural state is one of high energy, intuition and creativity. 

Divine Blessings coaching can benefit everyone. However, it is a special gift for those working through anxiety challenges, OCD, and other debilitating emotional disorders. 


Divine Aubry

Divine Aubry

Divine Aubry


Born with an Intuitive Gift, I had the opportunity to truly cultivate my Gift after experiencing a life threatening work related injury while working as a pharmaceutical sales rep. I sold an antibiotic and was trained on the severity of different strains of bacteria and how resistance was building up to antibiotics. During this time, I developed a severe Bacteria Phobia that took over my life and isolated me from society.

Energetically, I felt as though everything on this planet was infected with harmful germs and bacteria. My life went from one of vibrancy, aliveness and joy to being confined to my house, overly consumed with keeping each and every article that I came into contact with, germ free.

I was told time after time by numerous physicians that I would never be whole again, and my only hope was to take psychotropic drugs to lessen the symptoms. One powerful lesson I learned was not to buy in to my medical diagnosis (OCD) and to Know that I was Whole, Perfect and Complete.

This leg of my journey was most painful, yet, early on, I decided not to suffer, and knew deep within that this experience was moving me to a better place, and was in fact the answer to my prayer to be of Greater Service. Fortunately, I had been a practitioner and instructor of yoga and meditation for many years prior. I chose to go within to heal myself from the inside out, going  straight to my breath through prayer, meditation and the embodiment of all of my spiritual studies and beliefs. I knew my very existence depended on healing myself, holistically!

This acute debilitating challenge allowed me to practice first hand, all the tools and techniques that I taught in my Yoga and Meditation Classes, to heal myself. After a Seven Year Period of Healing and Growth, undergone without the use of pharmaceutical drugs I now share what I have learned with others.

I have learned from and been inspired by wonderful spiritual teachers and mentors.

Paramahansa Yogananda, Self Realization Fellowship, Kriya Yoga
Rev. Michael Beckwith, Agape Int'l Spiritual Center, Metaphysical Studies
Thomas Ashley-Farrand, Japa Meditation
UCLA, Behavior Modification Therapy
Doreen Virtue, Angel Therapy
Shamanic Tools & Techniques

...and many others to follow.

Divine was interviewed on the online radio show, Heal n Hip Hop.

Give it a listen to learn more about her story.


7-Week Intensives

7-Week Intensives


Seven-Week Intensive

Change your Energy, Change your Life!

Transform stress, anxiety, unhappiness and unfulfillment and step into your true life purpose and thrive! 


Week 1 - Chakra & Aura Cleansing

Week 2 - Breathe - Breathe Some More…

Conscious deep abdominal breathing

Week 3 - Love - Love Some More…

Self-Love Meditation

Week 4 - Om - Om Some More…

Five Step Conscious Prayer Treatment

Week 5 - Chakra & Aura Cleansing

Week 6 - I Am - That I Am

Stepping into your true, authentic self

Week 7 - Pure Bliss

Preparing You to Live your God/Spirit purposed Life


Chakra Mastermind Call

Chakra Mastermind Call

Chakra Mastermind Call

Thursdays from 8:00pm-9:00pm

Join Us for the Thursday Miracle Calls 

where We:

*State Intentons and Create Your Manifestations

*Share Our Successes

*Have Group Chakra Clearing & Balancing

*Learn to use a Pendulum

*Group Prayer/Mantra & Intention Setting for the fulfillment of  the goals for EveryOne in the Group

*Be infused with Inspiration, Motivation & Change

By donation only. Suggested donation $50/month.

And not to worry, if you miss us one Thursday, you will be provided with a code to access the call at another time during the week.

Book the class now to become a member and get the details.





Testimony for Divine. Highly recommended her for all her services.

I am currently attending Divine’s MASTERMIND tele group. Prior to attending this group I was severely depressed with chronic back and sciatic pain. My body, mind and spirit was so afflicted that I could not work.

Somehow, God led me to Divine!  Through her wisdom, guidance, light and love she has given me amazing tools (gifts) to use on my healing journey.

Divine has taught me to honor my sacred self and to re-connect with my true sacred SELF.   I am re-aligning and re—membering “who” I am….a divine emanation of THE MOST HIGH!  Pure Love unconditionally

Knowing and trusting that true healing comes from within.. ..I am on a path of prioritizing self- Care and self -LOVE. 

Her teachings have shown me the importance  of clear and consistent INTENTIONS (for me now its Perfect Health, Perfect Healing). My day begins and ends with this intention. It’s present in all my actions. 

By Practicing her self-love Mantra Meditation I am learning to embrace and accept all that I am today.   I am also learning to release whatever no longer serves me and to welcome all the good.  My “challenges" get easier by using tools  (breathwork, meditations, clearings , re-connecting,  journaling, forgiveness, gratitude… )

Also, A special part of Divine’s work includes Chakra Clearing/Cleansing. This experience has been truly amazing. I found out that much of my pain was due to some of my chakras being blocked (esp SACRAL area). During her clearing sessions I could feel l my tight muscles softening and opening on my back. I felt I was releasing years of old traumas and stuck pain. What a joy it is to sense a lightness of energy in my body now, yes.

As I tell friends, If someone wants to manifest their dreams/intentions, or to deepen their meditation practice, or to re- connect with Spirit or just to find that special “sweet spot” of peace…. Call on Divine

You are a gifted inspirational teacher, Deepest Gratitude 


“I met Divine after a significant life change - change in careers, new baby, 
and new way of thinking about myself and my life. She helped me release the 
old me, old thoughts, and cut the old chords that were holding me back. I 
felt an immediate release and tingling all over my body - especially in my 
head. And since our session I have felt more ease, open, and flowing. I 
expect great things to come of shedding my old skin! I'm so grateful I met 
here when I did. I highly recommend her to anyone who has recently 
undergone a transformation and needs to also release the old stuck energy.

Thank you again for your work. I hope to work with you again someday soon over Skype.” 

- Jen Pillipow (from BYP conference)

“Divine's chakra healing class is a priceless investment in personal growth. I have learned how to recognize my own energy levels, how to clear energy short term and long term, as well as how to keep myself in balance. Thank you for offering this amazing gift to those looking for holistic solutions to life's issues."

- Jay A.

“Divine has changed my life. I was in transition...and not in the best place. I'd gone to therapy..read a lot of books..attended a lot of amazing seminars by the most elite motivational speakers but I seemed to repeat the same patterns and wasn't completely free and at peace. 
I heard about Divine through someone I met at a three day yoga retreat. He praised her and shared what his experience was.  I called her and immediately felt her energy over the phone. She is very powerful. I had my first session and that's when my life changed.  
Everyone and everything that wasn't working for me cleared. I traveled, and then was offered a promotion at a new company. I started attracting the right people and the right situations. I finally feel at peace and happy and have worked through a lot of my old patterns that weren't suiting me. Thanks to Divine.  
She is incredible and is an innate healer. She is powerful and genuinely cares and will help you reach your full potential!! 
I know I did and will continue to."

- Elisa O.

“Oh My God... I don't know what you did, but I'm a whole different person already!"

- Mary R.

"It feels as though I've been on a two week retreat... Awesome!"

- Noelle A.

"Sleeping so much better, as well as my days are much calmer."

- Sandy L.

"I consider meeting Divine to be a pivotal point in my life and growth thus far. She has helped me to see, understand and move to a place of greater acceptance of my own path. The weekly energy clearing club is a wonderful ongoing tool. As I continue to work with her my self-knowledge and faith grows. I feel the energy of love, compassion, acceptance and abundance..A Divine Blessing indeed!"

- Danelle T.





Divine Aubry
